
为子搬迁:Away We Go

It was really good. The wedding was good.Marriage is great.But what you need to be happy,and sane,is this...
Okay,watch this.Here is you 2 guys.Okay,so you kiss,you do others things and then you make a baby.The baby comes in there and he nestles in.And you guys hug and get real tight.And then we do this.And this,and this...
It's your house.Now what is this?Is that your house.Now what is this?Is this a home?Is this a fammily?
NO,Of course not.That's just raw material.The people,the walls,the furniture.Okay,so that's the basics.
But that's not a home.That's not a fammily.What binds it all together is this...this is LOVE.
That's your love, guys.Here comes.The patience,your consideration,your better selves.
Man,you just have no idea how good you can be.But you have to use all of it.All of it.It's not like simple masonry where you use a little layer of mortar between each row of bricks.No,with this,you have to use tons of it.For every brick, there's a half-ton of mortar.It's all those good things you have in you.The love,the wisdom,the generosity,the selflessness,the patience,PATIENCE.
At 3 a.m. ,when everyone's awake because Ibrahim is sick and he can't find the bathroom and he puked in Katya's bed.
Patience when you blink...when you blink and it's 5;30 and it time to get up again,and you know you're going to be tried all day,all week,and your fucking life...
And you are thinking,"What happened to Greece?","What happened to swinmming naked off the coast of Greece?"
And you have to be willing to make the fammily out of whatever you have.You have to be so much better than you ever thought.


Burt:You promise never to leave me.Do you promise to never leave this baby that we are having?
Verona:I promise.I do.Do you promise to stop talking about your ability to find or not find my vagina after I give brith?
Burt:I do.Do you promise to let me cobble...to careve in my spare time,and teach our daughter the lore of the great Mississippi?
Verona:I do.Do you promise never to develop a thing for seahorse?
Burt:I do.Do you promise to let our daughter be fat or skinny or any weight at all?Because we want her to be happy, no matter waht.Being obsessed with weight is just too clich shit for our daughter.
Verona:Yes, I do.Do you promise ,when shen talks,you'll listen?Like,really listen,especially when she's scared,and that her fights will be your fights?
Burt:I do .And do you promise that if I die embarrassing and boring death that you're gonna tell our daughter that her father was killed by Russian soldiers in this intense hand-to-hand combat in an attempt to save the Chechnyan orphans?
Verona:I do.Chechnyan orphans.I do.I do.

为子搬迁Away We Go(2009)

又名:寻找安乐窝 / 房事告急 / 寻找快乐窝 / 这就上路


主演:约翰·卡拉辛斯基 玛娅·鲁道夫 卡门·艾乔戈 凯瑟琳·欧哈拉 杰夫·丹尼尔斯 艾莉森·珍妮 吉姆·加菲根 Samantha Pryor 康纳·卡罗尔 玛吉·吉伦哈尔 约什·汉密尔顿 Bailey Harkins Brendan Spitz Jaden Spitz 克里斯·梅西纳 

导演:萨姆·门德斯 / 编剧:戴夫·艾格斯 Dave Eggers/凡黛拉·维达 Vendela Vida