
又名:宵闇真珠 / The White Girl

上映日期:2017-12-14(中国香港) / 2017-10-12(伦敦电影节)片长:99分钟

主演:小田切让 / 袁澧林 / 白只 / 李敏 / 梁健平 / 胡子彤 / 姚学智 / 

导演:杜可风 / 孙明莉 / 编剧:杜可风 Christopher Doyle/孙明莉 Jenny Suen





日期 资源名称
2022-12-01 the.white.girl.2017.bluray.1080p.truehd5.1.x265.10
2020-03-22 The.White.Girl.2017.CHINESE.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-
2019-10-26 the.white.girl.2017.1080p.mkv
2019-09-24 The.White.Girl.2017.CHINESE.1080p.BluRay.X264-WiKi
日期 资源名称
2020-03-22 The.White.Girl.2017.CHINESE.720p.BluRay.H264.AAC-V
日期 资源名称
2020-03-22 The.White.Girl.2017.CHINESE.BRRip.XviD.MP3-VXT
2019-09-23 女孩


日期 资源名称
2021-05-21 白色女孩(简繁字幕)The.White.Girl.2017.720p.BluRay.x264-WiK
2019-11-18 白色女孩(简繁字幕)The.White.Girl.2017.720p.BluRay.x264-WiK


酷云影视为您提供2017年由小田切让 袁澧林 白只 李敏 梁健平 胡子彤 姚学智 主演,杜可风孙明莉导演的《白色女孩》/又名《宵闇真珠 / The White Girl》电影在线观看,《白色女孩》百度云网盘资源以及《白色女孩》高清mp4迅雷下载,《白色女孩》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

香港最后一座渔村里的苍白少女,在父亲形同牢笼的过度照顾下。一天,她在旧皮箱中发现了母亲的遗物,开始思索自己的身世。到晚上,她从家中溜出去见坂元。坂元是一位栖身于废弃村屋的流浪者。屋内有一间暗房和一面镜子,让她从另一个角度看世界。同时,村内出现一批心怀不轨的游客。她一边追寻离家母亲的踪迹,也试图聆听自己内心的声音。渔村会如何?村民将如何反应?   《香港三部曲》监制白海初执导筒的《白色女孩》,邀来四座金马奖最佳摄影杜可风联合执导兼掌镜、日本男星小田切让,与金马奖最佳男配角得主白只携手演出。
Plot Summary:The White Girl was born allergic to the sun. Her only friend, Ho Zai, is too young to understand her problems. Her classmates tease her. Her overprotective father keeps her cooped up at home, but she's not at home in her own world. Even her bedroom is a bunk bed with a curtain for a wall. All she wants to do is grow up and leave the village. At night, she meets a man by the sea. His name is Sakamoto. He's not from the village. He's an outsider. This is a love story, but Sakamoto and The White Girl are not lovers. So what happens between them? They look at each other. He becomes her mirror. She becomes his. That's what love is: through another they see themselves, reflected, as the imperfect mess that human beings often are. Together they are more than what they could be if they were alone, because when you put a mirror in a room it expands the space. Up at a historical ruin with Sakamoto, The White Girl finally has space to be free, space to discover what is possible within herself. From him, she learns to see the world from another angle. Meanwhile, Ho Zai follows a group of \"tourists\" from mainland China. They turn out to be property developers. With their money, the Village Chief plans to turn Pearl Village into their goldmine. They send Kun, the Village Chief's nephew, to burn down the ruins to get around a law that protects their cultural heritage. Ho Zai steals the stage at the Moon Banquet to expose their plan. He and Sakamoto are chased out of the village by the Village Chief's thugs. Kun arrives to burn down the ruins. The White Girl stops him by locking herself in. Finally, she realizes that the world she was once not at home in is beautiful because it is where she comes from.


  • eflysky

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