「Higher Ground」这首圣诗的作词者是Johnson Oatman、Jr.

欧德曼(Johnson Oatman, Jr. 1856-1922)出生于新泽西州,他的父亲常在教会献诗,因此他从小就谙熟圣诗。 1892年,他开始写福音诗歌,《数算主恩歌》写于1897年。他的作品,常唱的有《哪有朋友像耶稣》(No, Not One),《向高处行》(Higher Ground ),《无朋友待我像耶稣》(There’s No Friend Like Jesus)等。

同名电影在电影结束后播放的最后一首音乐便是「Higher Ground」,节奏缓慢版。


I'm pressing on the upward way,?
New heights I'm gaining every day;?
Still praying as I onward bound,?
Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.`

Lord, lift me up, and let me stand?
By faith, on Heaven's tableland;?
A higher plane than I have found,?
Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.

Lord, lift me up, and let me stand?
By faith, on Heaven's tableland;?
A higher plane than I have found,?
Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.
Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.
Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.

差不多到"lord, plant my feet on higher ground " 这句时可以看到本片26首音乐表了。

从 「Higher Ground」开始倒数:

{Higher Ground}
{how great thou art}
{ in the garden}
{ I need thee evert hour }
{ sovvenir }
{ Liam's theme}
{ posadzhuya hrushechku }
{ my hope is built }
{ greate in me a clean heakt }
{ sweetest name I know }
{ it is well with my soul }
{ god is so good }
{ kumbahya }
{ posadzh ya hrushechku echku }
{ holy,holy,holy }
{ come Holy Spirit }
{ I've got arrive roof life }
{ nearer my god to thee }
{ ejacul ation of serpents}
{ hair on my chest }
{ lady lady }
{ it's all up to you }
{ sea of never more }
{ blessed assurance }
