
又名:E.T. 悲伤乐园 / E.T. Made in China

上映日期:2018-12-02(中国大陆) / 2018-07-21(FIRST青年影展)片长:105分钟

主演:甄济康 / 罗四维 / 包蕾 / 李智 / 王伟 / 马海洋 / 邱文洋 / 

导演:张小鲨 / 编剧:张小鲨





日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 我儿子去了外星球.2017.1080p.web-dl.x264.ddp2.0.mandarin.ch
2019-05-12 我儿子去了外星球.2018.1080p.web-dl.x264.aac-lieqiwang
日期 资源名称
2021-09-01 【720p高清中文字幕】我儿子去了外星球迅雷下载.2018.1.45gb.torrent



酷云影视为您提供2018年由甄济康 罗四维 包蕾 李智 王伟 马海洋 邱文洋 主演,张小鲨导演的《我儿子去了外星球》/又名《E.T. 悲伤乐园 / E.T. Made in China》电影在线观看,《我儿子去了外星球》百度云网盘资源以及《我儿子去了外星球》高清mp4迅雷下载,《我儿子去了外星球》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

Plot Summary:A villager, Chen Ligen who discovered an unidentifiable body, suspected to be of extra-terrestrial origins. Chen suspected there may be a link between the body and the recent disappearance of his son. Naive Chen believes aliens will appear again, so he protects the body in hopes it can be exchanged for his son. Chen Ligen's story caught the attention of high profile TV's journalists. Two journalists have begun filming a documentary of Chen's absurd story. The journalists found that Chen's home (Lebo Village) was unprogressive and scheduled to be demolished. Property developers tried to persuade Chen into moving to another village. However, Chen insisted to stay in the village until he was reunited with his son. The developers knew Chen placed the hopes on the alien's body being used as a bargaining chip to return his son, and hence resorted to trickery to force Chen out of the village. During the process of investigation, the journalists discovered, Chen met in secret with a hobo inside an abandoned ship. The hobo lied to Chen about the alien body he had discovered in the village and having a great connection with the aliens. However the journalists knew the hobo is a junky and liar. In the end, police found Chen's son, but he was dead. Chen finally understood he was cheated by the hobo. However he still held hope and wanted to wait for the aliens, he believed aliens will bring his son back. When everyone realised Chen was insane, the aliens appear......


  • 哪吒的姐姐

    哪吒的姐姐 • 先锋不会老去

    一部很有意思的片子。因为新奇所以不愿意用好坏来衡量。 非常有实验精神。把外星人的悬疑元素和皮影戏联系在一起。把拆迁寻子这样的本土元素和众生皆苦联系在一起。 高度发展的科技和经济让人们的眼界飞到了银河....
  • 苍穹的幻想

    苍穹的幻想 • 《我儿子去了外星球》里的亮点和不足

  • 白头翁

    白头翁 • 小城故事多充满荒诞和悲凉

    《我儿子去了外星球》这片看了又好几天了,今天下午闲来无事,一时兴起就来豆瓣留下点文字,对这电影说点话吧(本文不涉及剧透)。 直到现在,一提起这片子我脑子里的第一反应就是陈立根他老婆马小凤哼得这首不着....
  • 张_利源

    张_利源 • 这场荒诞的闹剧背后,是父亲对儿子无尽的爱。

    「本文有多处剧透,请看完全片后再浏览。」 人是有感情的动物,不管他的行为多么的不切实际,还是他固执的驻守坚持,最终的原因都可以归结在情感上。儿子生死未卜,开发商给了很好的条件,但陈立根却一直不搬家,....
  • 清ヾ风 

    清ヾ风  • 笑闹过后的一腔荒凉

    《我儿子去了外星球》这片子是自己在家看的,整体观影体验就是沉浸其中,引人深思。 在我眼里,这部片子讲了两个字“守”和“寻”。片子从一个外星人打人视频开始,陈立根为了找儿子,斗开发商、供流浪汉,引发了....
