
又名:Beautiful Spy / Spy Myeong-Wol

主演:韩艺瑟 / 文晸赫 / 李阵郁 / 张熙珍 / 

导演:黄仁赫 / 金英均 / 编剧:金恩英/金正雅






酷云影视为您提供2011年由韩艺瑟 文晸赫 李阵郁 张熙珍 主演,黄仁赫金英均导演的《间谍明月》/原名《스파이명월》/又名《Beautiful Spy / Spy Myeong-Wol》影视在线观看,《间谍明月》百度云网盘资源以及《间谍明月》高清mp4迅雷下载,《间谍明月》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

Plot Summary:In the romantic-comedy "Spy Myeong-Wol," beautiful North Korean spy Myeong-Wol goes to South Korea in an attempt to kidnap a popular Korean male entertainer Kang Woo. Han Myeong-Wol is an agent in North Korea working to suppress the rising wave of South Korean pop culture in North Korea. She goes after people who watch South Korean dramas, movies, or pop music, but she hopes to one day move up as an agent in the special forces. Myeong-Wol then takes a test to become a special agent, but fails the test. Nevertheless, Myeong-Wol doesn't give up her hope of becoming a special agent just like her father. Myeong-Wol is then given a mission to go to Singapore as the bodyguard for a high ranking military officer's daughter. The daughter is crazy about Korean pop star Kang Woo and goes specifically to Singapore to watch his concert. The daughter is accompanied to Singapore by Myeong-Wol and the chief of special agent team Choi Ryu. After the concert, the military officer's daughter asks ...


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  • King

    King • 间谍明月

      我是抱着看烂片的心态去看此剧的。但似乎没有想像中那么难看。关键是以什么角度去看。   如果这是一部谍战剧,那么毫无疑问是一部让人无法形容的差剧,你完全可以质疑编剧的智商。但此剧中明月的间谍身份只....
