
又名:仙侠奇缘之花千骨/The Journey of Flower

主演:霍建华 / 赵丽颖 / 蒋欣 / 张丹峰 / 

导演:林玉芬 / 编剧:江晨舟 Chenzhou Jiang/饶俊 Jun Rao





日期 资源名称
2023-02-27 the.journey.of.flower.2015.complete.2160p.web-dl.h
日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 [NANA校园社区]花千骨未删减版(第16集).mp4
2019-05-11 [NANA校园社区]花千骨未删减版(第34集).mp4


酷云影视为您提供2015年由霍建华 赵丽颖 蒋欣 张丹峰 主演,林玉芬导演的《花千骨》/又名《仙侠奇缘之花千骨/The Journey of Flower》影视在线观看,《花千骨》百度云网盘资源以及《花千骨》高清mp4迅雷下载,《花千骨》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

花千骨赵丽颖 饰曾经被长留上仙白子画霍建华 饰所救,因此芳心暗许,长大之后,她千里迢迢前往长留仙山,想要找到当年的恩人。经过重重的考验和比试,花千骨终于成为了白子画的座下弟子,然而她并不知道的是,自己命格诡异,注定要成为白子画的生死劫,而花千骨和白子画两人在相处的过程中,早已经产生了超越了师徒的感情。 堕仙夏紫薰蒋欣 饰亦深爱着白子画,不愿看到爱人为花千骨白白送死的她企图下毒杀死花千骨,没想到最后中毒的却是白子画。为了挽救白子画的性命,花千骨想尽了一切方法,并且在无意之中获得了洪荒之力,为日后的悲剧埋下了伏笔。©豆瓣
Plot Summary:It is a love story between a master and his disciple. The main character Hua Qiangu is an unlucky orphan who's looking for a chance to learn magic and martial arts to survive after her parents died. Appreciating her hard working nature and kind heart, and predicting her tragic destiny, she enters Chang Liu, an immortal sect, to seek peace and solutions. Bai Zihua, the sect leader of Chang Liu, takes her as his only disciple. Qian Gu falls in love with her teacher but doesn't reveal her true feelings until the end. Eventually, the truth has been revealed that she was born as Nü Wa's descendant and has access to godly power.She summoned the Demon God to save her master and the God transferred all his power into her body afterwards, therefore, making her the new ruler of the demons. Although Zihua tries to protect her and change her fate, Qiangu is constantly tortured by the machinations of those who wish to see her dead.


  • 面朝大海

    面朝大海 • 无题

    用一星期看完了这部,典型的披着仙侠剧皮的玛丽苏言情剧,哈哈哈,刚好可以作为例子做个ppt了。 好了,个人感觉,这部剧三观不正啊!!剧情不知是不是因为改了好多导致很乱,特效、道具、情景等也不太好。男主,...
  • 梁又年

    梁又年 • 很适合这部剧的一首歌

    十指曼若 刹那莲华绽落 束带当风 秀骨清像描摹 画壁斑驳 秉烛对诸天神佛 边城荒漠 红颜白骨凋落 浊酒入喉 销得几世功过 箫声巷陌 几番落拓应笑我 堪不破 是相逢早铸因果 待消磨 却成谁心魔 纵难舍 ...
  • 爱看电影的少年

    爱看电影的少年 • 花千骨,护千骨!

  • 薄荷猕猴桃

    薄荷猕猴桃 • 打动人心的好作品

  • J.

    J. • 多年以后,只愿随心而活。

    很多年以前,大概是2011年,我应该是看过花千骨的小说的,在当时看的大量网络小说里,不算印象最深刻。写这篇评论,跟剧情没太多关系,全当是三十二岁的一个留念。 回想一下在我人生的大部分日子里,我都还算是...
