Hot for My Name(2020)


主演:普瑞斯西拉·巴恩斯 / 布鲁克·朵赛 / 埃丝特·波维茨基 / 

导演:Nicholaus Goossen / 


Hot for My Name:在线播放


Hot for My Name:最新迅雷BT资源


Hot for My Name:最新字幕下载

Hot for My Name:剧情介绍

酷云影视为您提供2020年由普瑞斯西拉·巴恩斯 布鲁克·朵赛 埃丝特·波维茨基 主演,Nicholaus Goossen导演的《Hot for My Name》电影在线观看,《Hot for My Name》百度云网盘资源以及《Hot for My Name》高清mp4迅雷下载,《Hot for My Name》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

Esther goes home to Skokie, Illinois to understand why her unique relationship with her parents motivated her to become a comedian. Documentary footage is intercut with stand-up, giving audiences a hilarious look into her origin story.
Plot Summary:Esther goes home to Skokie, Illinois to understand why her unique relationship with her parents motivated her to become a comedian. Documentary footage is intercut with stand-up, giving audiences a hilarious look into her origin story.
