God's Gift to Women(1931)


主演:Frank Fay / Laura La Plante / Louise Brooks / 

导演:Michael Curtiz / 编剧:Frederick Hazlitt Brennan/Raymond Griffith


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酷云影视为您提供1931年由Frank Fay Laura La Plante Louise Brooks 主演,Michael Curtiz导演的《God's Gift to Women》电影在线观看,《God's Gift to Women》百度云网盘资源以及《God's Gift to Women》高清mp4迅雷下载,《God's Gift to Women》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

A Parisian descendant of Don Juan vows to stop philandering in order to win the hand of a virtous young lady with a disapproving father.
Plot Summary:Contemporary Casanova Toto loves beautiful women and pursues them shamelessly. Then he falls in love with respectable Mary and realizes that to win her he must stop his philandering. But Mary has little confidence in Toto's resolve and concocts a plan of her own.
