I have watched all MJ's previous documentaries and started watching his game from 1995 and that was when I started playing basketball. I thought I knew most of his stories and what he had been through to make legend, until I watched this episode.
It not only gave you MJ, and a lot of background stories, big shots that no body thought they did any shit, underdogs and small potatos that no body saw them anywhere or remembered them... it's all of those plain things, small details and every single person made who MJ is, and made the history.
I'm so touched that after all these years some people changed and some people haven't, most of them have grown to a more mature man and get reconciled with others, themselves and the past, there are so many truths that I as a fan would like to know, and so many memories that I as a man would like to repeatedly revive.
"If you want to start the fire, all you need is a match".
Thank you, MJ.

最后的舞动The Last Dance(2020)

又名:篮球之神的霸气生涯(台) / 最后之舞 / 最后一舞

主演:迈克尔·乔丹 斯科蒂·皮蓬 菲尔·杰克逊 史蒂夫·科尔 比尔·温宁顿 J·A·艾丹 拉里·伯德 比尔·克林顿 魔术师约翰逊 乔·克莱恩 巴拉克·奥巴马 约翰·帕克森 

导演:杰森·海希尔 / 


Jasonsun •