Alle Dinge sind an sich selbst widersprechend.
Die Entgegengesetzten enthalten insofern den Widerspruch, als sie in derselben Rücksicht sich negativ aufeinander beziehende oder sich gegenseitig aufhebende und gegeneinander gleichgültige sind.
Die abstrakte Identität mit sich ist noch keine Lebendigkeit, sondern daß das Positive an sich selbst die Negativität ist, dadurch geht es außer sich und setzt sich in Veränderung. Etwas ist also lebendig, nur insofern es den Widerspruch in sich enthält, und zwar diese Kraft ist, den Widerspruch in sich zu fassen und auszuhalten. Wenn aber ein Existierendes nicht in seiner positiven Bestimmung zugleich über seine negative überzugreifen und eine in der anderen festzuhalten, den Widerspruch nicht in ihm selbst zu haben vermag, so ist es nicht die lebendige Einheit selbst, nicht Grund, sondern geht in dem Widerspruche zugrunde.
实际上忍野扇这个角色在垃圾眼里与垃圾自身关系的变化过程,恰好就是对三种Unterschied的渐进过程的反映。起初垃圾以为忍野扇只是メメ 的远亲,是一个不同于自己、外在于自己的他者,二者的关系一如苹果与香蕉一般,只是人群中的两个并不必然相关的点;随后在剧情的展开中,垃圾意识到他与忍野扇处于一个对立的立场,一如通常人们所认为的“变”与“不变”之间的关系;而在最后真相大白时,垃圾终于将忍野扇当作在他自身中与他对抗的一部分接受了下来。
当然这里其实还可以更进一步:メメ 将忍野扇承认为自己的侄女,令她获得了一个存留于世间的身份,而垃圾也认可了这一点(他的认可非常重要,当垃圾对メメ说“得救了”后,メメ又再次强调:“我可没救你哦,你只是自救了而已。”),这就象征着矛盾的外化,一种黑格尔版本的Gelassenheit。
'Absolute freedom' is here literally absolute in the etymological sense of absolvere: releasing, letting go. Schelling was the first to criticize this move as illegitimate: after Hegel completed the circle of the logical self development of the Notion, and being aware that the whole of this development took place in the abstract medium of thought, he had somehow to make the passage back to real life - however, since there were no categories in his logic to accomplish this passage, he had to resort to terms like 'decision' (the Idea 'decides' to release Nature from itself), terms which are not categories of logic, but of the will and practical life. This critique clearly misses the way the act of releasing the other is thoroughly immanent to the dialectical process, is its conclusive moment, the sign of the conclusion of a dialectical circle. Is this not the Hegelian version of Gelassenheit?
But this determination has not issued from a process ofbecoming, nor is it a transition, as when above, the subjective Notion in its totality becomes objectivity, and the subjective end becomes life. On the contrary, the pure Idea in which the determinateness or reality of the Notion is itself raised into Notion, is an absolute liberation for which there is no longer any immediate determination that is not equally posited and itself Notion; in this freedom, therefore, no transition takes place; the simple being to which the Idea determines itself remains perfectly transparent to it and is the Notion that, in its determination, abides with itself The passage is therefore to be understood here rather in this manner, that the Idea freely releases itselfin its absolute self-assurance and inner poise. By reason ofthis freedom, the form ofits determinateness is also utterly free - the externality of space and time existing absolutely on its own account without the moment of subjectivity.l] Hegel repeatedly insist's here on this 'absolute liberation' being thoroughly different from the standard dialectical 'transition'. But how? The suspicion lurks that Hegel's 'absolute liberation' relies on the absolute mediation of all otherness: I set the Other free only after I have completely internalized it . . .

哭了 音乐依然不是神前晓 (18/10/7)
哭了 续终物语太完美了 而且电影版op是神前晓(19/2/7)


又名:终物语 下卷

主演:神谷浩史 水桥香织 斋藤千和 堀江由衣 加藤英美里 泽城美雪 花泽香菜 喜多村英梨 井口裕香 早见沙织 坂本真绫 子安武人 雪野五月 樱井孝宏 

导演:新房昭之 / 板村智幸 / 浅见隆司 / 宫西哲也 / 金子祥之 / 编剧:木泽行人 Yukito Kizawa/中本宗应 Nakamoto Muneo/东富耶子 Fuyashi Tou/新房昭之 Akiyuki Shinbo/西尾维新 Ishin Nishio