說到底,新世紀福音戰士裡面最動人心弦的是對於生命的種種叩問掙扎以及劇中人故作鎮定地試圖給出的那些其實還狐疑不定的答案吧。(除去這些,它就很大程度會上成為炫技的科幻片———可以參照2013年的Pacific Rim, 基本就是新世紀福音戰士在科幻上的拙劣模仿,卻沒有了靈魂,只有美式英雄主義和自帶光環的主角之美滿結局。)僅以其中一些台詞來舉例:
“Part of growing up means finding a way to interact with others while distancing pain.” – Misato Katsuragi
“If you know pain and hardship, it’s easier to be kind to others.” – Ryoji Kaji
“Understanding 100% of everything is impossible. That’s why we spend all our lives trying to understand the thinking of others. That’s what makes life so interesting.” – Ryoji Kaji
“So fu** what if I’m not you?! That doesn’t mean it’s okay for you to give up! If you do, I’ll never forgive you as long as I live. God knows I’m not perfect either. I’ve made tons of stupid mistakes and later I regretted them. And I’ve done it over and over again, thousands of times. A cycle of hollow joy and vicious self-hatred. But even so, every time I learned something about myself.” – Misato Katsuragi
(1) 1998年亞視(ATV)播出《新世紀福音戰士》時,七八歲的我還以為是講述一隊彈奏音樂的戰士的呢。


又名:Neon Genesis Evangelion / New Century Evangelion / 新世纪天鹰战士 / 2000天鹰战士

主演:绪方惠美 林原惠美 三石琴乃 宫村优子 山口由里子 立木文彦 清川元梦 山寺宏一 关智一 岩永哲哉 岩男润子 优希比吕 长泽美树 子安武人 石田彰 

导演:庵野秀明 / 鹤卷和哉 / 摩砂雪 / 冈村天斋 / 水岛精二 / 大塚雅彦 / 杉山庆一 / 渡边哲哉 / 大原实 / 安藤健 / 石堂宏之 / 羽生尚靖 / 增尾昭一 / 高村彰 / 编剧:庵野秀明 Hideaki Anno/榎户洋司 Yoji Enokido/樋口真嗣 Shinji Higuchi/萨川昭夫 Akio Satsukawa/山口宏 Hiroshi Yamaguchi/佐藤顺一 Junichi Sato/矶光雄 Mitsuo Iso/鹤卷和哉 Kazuya Tsurumaki/摩砂雪 Masayuki
