to quote someone's comment, 米勒博士挺悲催的/o\ i feel for her, but i don't blame don, i'd understand why he picked megan, men would prefer that, a soft young woman who's not very boring as she has peggy's spark [quote don], plus she speaks french [i'm joking]..

电梯情节这么经典 说说另两只 peggy oh peggy, joan oh joan, i can't tell whom i love more, both are very very inspiring characters. joan so sophisticated and peggy so ambitious, but both are warm so i love both.

don oh don, throw any adj. on him, it will be just fit. charming, creative, strong, vulnerable, mature, childish, honest, dishonest...though i think the ultimate words for him would be: REAL and FREE

广告狂人 第四季Mad Men(2010)

又名:麦迪逊狂人 第四季

主演:乔恩·哈姆 詹纽瑞·琼斯 伊丽莎白·莫斯 

导演:Phil Abraham / 编剧:马修·维纳 Matthew Weiner

广告狂人 第四季的影评

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