心跳的声音BeMerchak Peima(2015)

又名:A Heartbeat Away / במרחק פעימה


主演:Akiva Tamir / 

导演:Tal Barda / 诺曼·平夏斯 / 








酷云影视为您提供2015年由Akiva Tamir 主演,Tal Barda诺曼·平夏斯导演的《心跳的声音》/原名《BeMerchak Peima》/又名《A Heartbeat Away / במרחק פעימה》电影在线观看,《心跳的声音》百度云网盘资源以及《心跳的声音》高清mp4迅雷下载,《心跳的声音》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

这是一部引人入胜的纪录片,讲述了科学与信仰,希望与绝望,生与死之间的徘徊。一名以色列小儿心脏病学专家被派往非洲坦桑尼亚,那里差不多每天都有5个孩子因心脏问题死亡。塔米尔医生(Dr. Akiva Tamir)的团队给数百个儿童做了检查,仅有少数孩子可以通过治疗,免于死亡的命运。5岁的朱利叶斯情况危急,塔米尔医生不得不做出决定——既然已经知道手术成功的机会非常渺茫,那么是否给朱利叶斯做手术呢?他们每天都面临这样的抉择。从业多年的医生发现,他们与这些小患者的情感纽带是那么地坚固,每次别离的伤痛都让他们难以招架。
Plot Summary:The story of an Israeli pediatric cardiologist sent to Africa to perform lifesaving operations in Tanzania, where every day five children die from heart conditions. Dr. Akiva Tamir and his team examine hundreds of children, of which only a handful can receive the treatment which will save their lives. When 6 year-old Julius arrives to the clinic in critical condition, Dr. Tamir is forced to choose whether to operate on the child, who has very little chances of surviving. Dr. Tamir and his team take the viewers on an emotional rollercoaster as they deal with the most serious question of who to treat and who will be left to die. The experienced physicians find it hard to detach from the emotional bond they share with their small patients. \"A Heartbeat Away\" is a riveting human drama, swinging on the pendulum between science and faith, hope and despair, life and death. In its center, human doctors who have been thrust to the position of Gods in the midst of Africa.
