Plot Summary:This documentary, made by the BBC, to celebrate the fortieth anniversary of "Doctor Who" (1963), the popular cult sci-fi children's television series. The documentary features extensive interviews with the four remaining Doctors, interviews with various other members of the cast and crew, and many clips from the series showing the other Doctors and the best of the dangerous and exotic monsters that did battle with 'The Doctor' over the last four decades.
这个纪录片真不错,差不多每个人都拉出来晾。纪录片后不久就是新版的拍摄要提上日程了吧……当时正准备是动画化,结果shalka就那么的被腰斩了……比起这个,我更喜欢30周年的more than thirty years in the tardis,信息正上传豆瓣中。那个的结尾霸气外露,不知道那个独白是谁念的