Final Exam(2019)


主演:Ainsley Kartili / Yuiko Kayo / Twyla Chloe Ku / 

导演:Kai Xiang Chang / 


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Final Exam:剧情介绍

酷云影视为您提供2019年由Ainsley Kartili Yuiko Kayo Twyla Chloe Ku 主演,Kai Xiang Chang导演的《Final Exam》电影在线观看,《Final Exam》百度云网盘资源以及《Final Exam》高清mp4迅雷下载,《Final Exam》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

Is the scoring top in class more important than having compassion? In a harsh environment called school, the top 3 students in the class are tasked to help their classmate NINA improve her exam score. As they get to know NINA better, they find out that she is ill and the upcoming test could be her final exam in school.
Plot Summary:Is the scoring top in class more important than having compassion? In a harsh environment called school, the top 3 students in the class are tasked to help their classmate NINA improve her exam score. As they get to know NINA better, they find out that she is ill and the upcoming test could be her final exam in school.
