才华横溢Le Brio(2017)



主演:丹尼尔·奥特伊 / 卡梅丽雅·乔丹娜 / 亚辛·侯伊卡 / 诺扎·夸德拉 / 尼古拉斯·瓦德 / 吉恩-巴蒂斯特·拉法基 / 维吉尔·勒克莱尔 / 克洛德·佩隆 / 雅克·布雷尔 / 赛日·甘斯布 / 罗曼·加里 / 弗朗索瓦·密特朗 / 

导演:伊万·阿达勒 / 编剧:维克多·圣·玛卡里 Victor Saint Macary/耶尔·朗曼 Yaël Langmann/伊万·阿达勒 Yvan Attal/诺亚·德勃雷 Noé Debré/布赖恩·马尔恰诺 Bryan Marciano





日期 资源名称
2021-09-03 Le Brio 2017 FRENCH 1080p BluRay x264-UTT
2021-07-09 [ torrent9.red ] le.brio.2017.french.1080p.bluray.
2021-07-09 le.brio.2017.french.1080p.bluray.x264-utt
2019-05-12 Le.Brio.2017.FRENCH.1080p.BluRay.x264-worldmkv
日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 Le.Brio.2017.FRENCH.720p.BluRay..x264-worldmkv



酷云影视为您提供2017年由丹尼尔·奥特伊 卡梅丽雅·乔丹娜 亚辛·侯伊卡 诺扎·夸德拉 尼古拉斯·瓦德 吉恩-巴蒂斯特·拉法基 维吉尔·勒克莱尔 克洛德·佩隆 雅克·布雷尔 赛日·甘斯布 罗曼·加里 弗朗索瓦·密特朗 主演,伊万·阿达勒导演的《才华横溢》/原名《Le Brio》/又名《师声对决(台)》电影在线观看,《才华横溢》百度云网盘资源以及《才华横溢》高清mp4迅雷下载,《才华横溢》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

内拉(卡梅丽雅·乔丹娜 Camélia Jordana 饰)的梦想是成为一名律师,带着实现梦想的决心,内拉进入了巴黎第二大学的法律系深造。从小到大,内拉都是一个非常优秀的孩子,个性难免有些高傲和桀骜,总觉得别人都不如自己。开学的第一天,她就因为迟到和态度傲慢等问题和老师皮耶(丹尼尔·奥图 Daniel Auteuil 饰)之间产生了矛盾。   内拉和皮耶之间的争吵被好事的学生用手机拍了下来,发布到了视频网站上,没想到竟然因为种族歧视的原因而在网络上掀起了轩然大波,为了解决此事件恶劣的影响,纪律委员会不得不召开了听证会。校长决定让内拉和皮耶参加一场师生辩论大赛。
Plot Summary:Neïla, a girl of Algerian descent, lives in a housing project in the suburbs of Paris with her mother and her grandmother. She has good friends in the neighborhood, including a boyfriend named Mounir, an Uber driver. Always a good pupil, she has decided to become a lawyer and to this end has enrolled at the Assas University in Paris. But her first day proves a harrowing experience. Arriving late in the great amphitheater where Pierre Mazard, a seasoned but controversial law professor, gives his class, poor Neïla is taken to task by him, and in words tainted with racism. Some students complain about Mazard's attitude, which urges the President to intervene. He firmly asks the prof that he do something to redeem himself. And to this end, why not train his victim for the prestigious speech contest Assas is associated with? Reluctant at first, Pierre is forced to accept the deal. But how will Neïla put up with working under the yoke of her torturer? And how will Mazard refrain from taking...


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