“你不害怕吗?”75岁的赵南峰和71岁的李梅子是一对老年痴呆夫妻,婚姻迈入第45个年头,这对夫妻的身心越来越靠近彼此,现如今全世界仿佛就只剩下了彼此。虽然每一天的记忆越来越模糊,但这些年为了讨生活而渐渐被遗忘的那些梦想却越来越清晰。75 year old Jo Nam Bong and 71 year old Lee Mae Ja have dementia. They've been married for 45 years and they are alike in all ways, mentally and physically. Now they live like they are the only two in the world. Everyday their memories blur, but the romance they had forgotten comes back to them more clearly.