📌 风景

📌 Monrovia Christian Church

牧师:“In this world you will have troubles, you will have tribulations, you will have struggles. and then you says but take heart, Because I have overcome the world. So Jesus’s already preparing those that believe in him that their lives are not going to be easy, that there going to be filled with trials and struggles and tribulations, and so their tribulation follows the life of the church until God comes and makes everything right again. Remember when he started this whole thing, everything was perfect. We messed it up, we brought the tribulations on ourselves.”

📌 Monrovia High School

斗牛犬(bulldog)one team, one town.


课堂上老师对学生们说:“人们没有意识到我们曾经在篮球场上称王称霸。1920年代,高中篮球队最出名的要数堪萨斯城、印第安纳和纽约。所以我们曾是全国顶尖的。蒙罗维亚出了三个大学篮球,xxx以‘蒙罗维亚男孩’闻名,John Wooden(1910-2010)生于Hall(隔壁镇,但离得很近),在他的训练下UCLA得了10次全国冠军,Branch McCracken(1908-1970)也是咱们这里的,他也赢过,所以我们镇子有12个全国冠军,比全国任何镇子都多,直到xxx镇刷新了这个记录。”

So when people talk about Monrovia football,

So people get really touchy about Monrovia football cause it’s such a family xx thing.

I remember I was like five, my dad was like you are going tonight. Where were we going to? We are going to midnight practice. I had no idea what a midnight practice was. Well, Monrovia had this tradition of midnight practice. We are the first football team in the state of Indiana to practice football. And when they came down here it was like a home coming game, for people just to watch practice.

and all the moms cook food. It was really a community kind of thing that we don’t have now because the way the season starts. Football was really a big thing, still a big thing here.

女孩们歌舞合唱。🎵 Ja Da, Ja Da, Jing Jing ! (1918) 🎵

📌 卖二手货的路边摊

📌 一队骑重型摩托车的戴墨镜的男子

📌 Hot Rod's Barber Shop. 理发店里的成年男子和小男孩

📌 街角咖啡店,三个老年男人的对话。一个人说妻子去度假了,一个人说今早去接受治疗了,好像还动过手术。

A: My wife had go for a two-week vacation so I just took carrots and ate them.

B: I never eat carrot and diet food.

C (看了看A的大肚子)问B:think it worked?

A: Diet food, but I drink a lot of beer help wash it down.

C: oh, ok, I couldn’t react, I don’t see it worked.

C开始说自己早上去看医生和心脏搭桥手术(bypass surgery)的事

📌 政府工作人员开会,开会前对着美国国旗宣誓,希望会议以和平开始以和谐结束。





Mike:just remember if you want business bigger, be friendly with business that would be here. Your concepts your attitude toward business should be welcoming, because if a business doesn’t feel welcomed—and I’m not just speaking about Monrovia but in the past Morgan County has a history of saying… emm… and we are paying the price for that today. And that’s the reason I came home a year ago back to Indiana because the leadership in the county asked me could you be part of this change that help us bring some growth. That’s what I am doing here. So I understand the concern about population. I used to be director of xxx where went from 4500 to 8000 people in the early 90s. And now xxx is not gonna to happen here.

-Let’s hope not.

Mike:you’re right. That what you don’t want. Let’s hope not. That’r right, that’s exactly right. So from a planning perspective that’s a good thing to know. But our county has to grow more than less 1% in the population growth per year or you are all going to suffer. Monrovia will continue to suffer without people. So the issue is what balance and what cost. Our county can afford to grow more than just 6-700 people per year on that bases. We have room for more people than that. We just have to figure out where to cluster for density, we are planning. I think that’s what the county leaders are working on.

📌 Dawg house pizza.

📌 Branch McCracken memorial Gymnasium. (这个体育馆是以当地的篮球名人Branch McCracken命名的,开头那位学校老师提到过他)

学生乐团演奏 🎵 粉红豹(pink panther)主题曲 🎵(这是六七十年代的喜剧动画片)。观众席坐满了家长,很多人面带微笑。23:17-24:34 (据说这一段还演奏了《辛普森一家》的主题曲,但是并没有听到)

📌 阴天,墓地。一块块墓碑。埋葬着19世纪出生的人。有的是终身服务当地的木匠。有的上过内战,有的打过一战。

co k 53 regt ind inf

PVT 10 Infantry Regt

📌 养猪场,赶猪上大的运装车

📌 Wagner汽车修理厂。工具特写。

📌 共济会仪式

左胸上绣着金字:monrovia lodge, F&AM(Free & Accepted Masons)

Brother David Lee Bower。received his Apprentice degree April 1967, he was passed to the Fellow-craft degree April 25th 1967, raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason May 23rd 1967. June 3 2017 were received the 50 year award gold.

📌 农具拍卖

auction chant

📌 超市,零食,饮料,水果,超市包装肉末制作。

[Announcer] How do you reward yourself after a tough day at work? Well how about a thick, juicy steak that practically melts in your mouth? Sound good? Well, we’ve got the perfect steak for you at a discounted price! Premium-cut, fresh, certified Angus T-bone steak are just 8.99 a pound this week in our meat department. So reward yourself with the hearty beef flavor of a juicy ribeye steak. You deserve it.

📌 Lions club。讨论在图书馆增加长椅

(Monrovia United Methodist Church)

📌 农民操作机器把散落的草整理成堆,再压成小块,小块成大块

📌 健身房健美操

📌 开会。Members of the Monrovia Planning Commission discuss community growth and the pros and cons of housing development in Monrovia.

second entrance

白发男: so, I would assume the entrance is gonna get approved. The thing I asked him about is how about the road going down to section six, which would be the next section that he would go for, to get approval on. And he said they hadn’t gotten approval to design that yet. So I don’t know why Westport is not moving forward on that part, other than the fact that they have to go through different farmland that’s not their property. So in other words, their property goes down to pretty much the end of section six right now. So they got a little strip of property they’d have to come up through the farm ground to get up to the entrance.

褐发年轻男:well, right now they’re looking at, there’s 151 homes they wanna build that they still own land on, ok, that they wanna build.

白发男: yeah, I don’t know what the number is.

褐发年轻男:now, my understanding is that, if they build this entrance, if they’re in some sort of collusion or something I guess with Freyberg’s, the thing is that they’re gonna—

白发男: collusion?

褐发年轻男:I know, he told me—

白发男: it’s called cooperation.

褐发年轻男:I know

女:or you can call it collusion.


褐发年轻男:I call it collusion, because what I’m wondering is has there been some sort of a sweetheart deal made, saying that, okay, when this comes up in front of the plan commission, we’re gonna go ahead and approve it. See?

白发男: who?

褐发年轻男:what I’m saying is that if they build this road, they’re gonna wanna build their houses.

白发男: yes.

褐发年轻男:okay. And if the plan commission doesn’t approve that, then you know.

白发男: Right, but—

褐发年轻男:I mean, do they realize that that might not happen, because it does change the demographics of the town as well.

女:does that have to come to this council at some point?

褐发年轻男:it will.

白发男: no.

白胡子男:bank commission

白发男: bank commission approves their entrance along with section six. Has nothing to do with town council.


金发红衣女:so they’re looking to do this entrance but the little area to connected to the actual community is what the problem is

白发男: well I don’t know

金发红衣女:maybe not a problem, but right now

白发男: yeah, yeah, I don’t know why… and I, you know, I could be speaking on our term, because this’s been probably two months three months, could be four months since I talked to them, I can check with them again, but, for some reason they hadn’t, his firm, hadn’t got any approval other than the entrance.

金发红衣女:okay. You mean Westpot’s firm?

蓝格子男:no. Banning.

金发红衣女:oh Banning, I’m sorry. I just

白发男: they design the entrance they submitted it to the induct. And I believe they’re close to getting their xxx on the entrance. But what I don’t understand or what I don’t know, and what I was told maybe four months ago is they hadn’t, his firm hadn’t got any approval to do the rest of the drive down to section six.

黑发女: building 151 more homes or homesteads is not necessarily a progress. And I think it’s a community most people, if you pull them outside of homestead and maybe inside the homestead, would not support 151 more homes at that location in homestead.

白发男-I’m telling you [chuckles], you don’t stop ‘em because they’re building too many homes. They’ve got approval for a PUD that allows ‘em to build those homes.

黑发女-But we still have to be wise stewards of our community, of our police, of our school system. It’s a contentious subject when you talk about homestead in this community. And I know there’s people that live in it at this table, but it’s not been overall a total positive for the community, and it’s had a huge impact on the school system. I live, there’s a police run there at least almost everyday. Maybe not every single day, but many days. And so there’s a lot of negatives that go along with a development like that. And——

金发红衣女:There’s police runs that go to different communities, and I know that could sense… just some areas also that are not just homestead.

黑发女: and we just need to be— Oh sure! It could go anywhere, but that certainly is a magnet for them.

金发红衣女:I don’t see that.

白发男: the homes, the homes and the foreclosures have really been a negative. But I’m just telling you, I’m not, I’m not sure that you can, based on what you’re looking at, I’m not sure that’s an issue the Plant Commission can take up.

黑发女: well, it may or may not be but like I said, we need to be wise as to how we grow our community. And I don’t think 151 more homes whether they had approval early on or not is a wise decision for this community to make. I think it impacts us in a negative way. that’s my opinion. It’s just my opinion. But I think it’s an opinion that I know for a fact is shared with quite a number of people in the community who believe the same way I do, so…

白发男: homestead brought the million dollar treatment plant.

褐发年轻男:uh-huh. And the state football championship which a lot of those kids came from homestead too.

金发红衣女:I know a majority of the people on the fire department who volunteer, a majority of them live in that community. So there’s a lot of positives to the community. And they do have runs here and there, but there are areas in this town that are riddled nonstop almost every other day, there is a run that is a negative run that is not too Homestead. So it’s not just homestead. I mean, there’s—

黑发女: no, it’s not just homestead, but certainly by population density does draw the most.

金发红衣女:the majority, the majority a lot of people who are moving into homestead are actually Monrovians who are coming back, who actually went to school from different generations, they’re younger, they’re actually coming back and they’re being able to buy into the town that they grew up in and so forth. So I mean it’s, it’s accommodate. I mean there’s a lot of positive people in our community. There’s a lot of good positive people. We may have a few bad apples here and there, but that’s everywhere.

📌 Class Act Hair Studio 女子美发店

📌 宝宝生日会(?)

📌 纹身店

Psalm 23:4 Even though I walk through the darkest valley,I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

"ESSAYONS," is French for "Let us try." 美国陆军工兵部队 (United States Army Corps of Engineers)的格言

📌 宠物医院,狗洗牙、切除尾巴

📌 卖床垫

📌 Red barrel liquors 酒水店

📌 Monrovia Christian Church婚礼。两个十字架合成一个,三位一体。

黑人女歌手唱:🎵Always(1947), by Irving Berlin. (貌似最早的版本是1947年 Monica Lewis 唱的,非常好听,也接近片子里女歌手唱的风格)

📌 玉米田。氨

📌 枪店。Guns& Ordnance


顾客:Deer season this year, I got a spot there in Paragon (县里另一个镇子), outside of Paragon. The guy that comes to the auction, he said he’s got about 200 range.

店主:hell, I’d be shooting them deers right outside your door down there that have been eating your corn.

顾客:Yeah, and I probably will. The neighbor gave me permission to hunt right there so…

店主:Take that you corn-eating dude.

顾客:Yeah, our blueberries are producing berries. I’ll have to bring you some blueberries.

📌 玉米

📌 污水处理

📌 消防栓


legal restrictions force the town’s fire company to use tanker trucks instead of hydrants

黑发女:when you live in the country, you’re not gonna have the infrastructure support that you’re gonna have in town. And so that’s a decision that some people go into knowingly and maybe some people went into unknowingly, unfortunately, but there was a time when we didn’t even have those flush hydrants. So you are gonna be dependent upon the tanker truck, and a pond that you might have on your property that they can fill up from, or what have you. That’s part of living in the country.

戴帽子的男人:I didn’t buy a pre-existing house, and I had it built right across the street from what I thought was a fire hydrant. The builder certainly didn’t offer that information, that, “hey, by the way, you know that’s not really a fire hydrant there, right?” Many of the people I’ve talked to, and probably the same people you’ve talked to Bonnie, and you too Phill, have said, “we weren’t told, we didn’t know. We seen these red things sticking up out of the ground where you connect houses to, and assumed that was a fire hydrant.” Granted, I’ll be the first one to tell you, I was born and raised in Indianapolis and they’re yellow there, but they still look the same. It looks like a fire hydrant to me. It turns on like a fire hydrant. So, you know, a rose by any other name is still a rose.

📌 餐厅后厨,做沙拉、肉排。

📌 咖啡店。attending the funeral of a man whom he had known since his first day of first grade.


📌 节日市集。两个弹吉他唱歌的老男人。🎵 Before I Met You(1962), written by James William Denny. 1:53:33-1:54:50



十几岁的女孩们跳踢踏舞,配乐:🎵 Road Less Traveled(2015), by Lauren Alaina. 1:58:01-1:58:45

卖贴在车上的贴纸。🎵 Proud Mary(1969), by Tina Turner. 1:58:46-02:01:01

📌 二手车卖场。各式各样的老车。🎵 Proud Mary, by Tina Turner. 1:58:46-02:01:01


一个看起来六十岁的男人回忆:buying his first car (a 1963 Chevy) at the age of fifteen and souping it up for drag racing while making “a dollar forty-two an hour.”


📌 葬礼。牧师致辞。John 14:2: “In my father’s house there are many mansions.”



📌 葬礼,下葬。大家齐唱赞美诗 Amazing Grace。


印第安纳的蒙罗维亚Monrovia, Indiana(2018)




导演:弗雷德里克·怀斯曼 /