Star Trek Beyond in Dolby Cinema. Hear the whole picture, and see every hue.
   Highly recommend for the nebula and classical music! However, the villain displays a lack of imagination for a science fiction movie, and there are also some plot bugs.
   Neither trekkies nor trekkers, but still love ST. Kirk and Spock both want to settle down after a certain age in Kelvin Timeline. Then, enterprise is entirely destroyed and the crew are captured. Thus, “MY SHIP, MY CREW.” Finally, “Try your best, then you will know what you can achieve.”
   For Leonard Nimoy.
   For Anton Yelchin.
   Live Long, and Prosper!

星际迷航3:超越星辰Star Trek Beyond(2016)

又名:星际迷航13:超越 / 星际旅行13:超越太空 / 星空奇遇记13:超域时空(港) / 星际争霸战13:浩瀚无垠(台) / 星舰奇航记13 / 星舰迷航记13 / Star Trek: Beyond / Star Trek XIII / Star Trek 13 / Star Trek Into Oblivion

上映日期:2016-09-02(中国大陆) / 2016-07-22(美国)片长:122分钟

主演:克里斯·派恩 扎克瑞·昆图 卡尔·厄本 佐伊·索尔达娜 西蒙·佩吉 约翰·赵 安东·叶利钦 伊德里斯·艾尔巴 索菲亚·波多拉 乔·塔斯利姆 莉迪亚·威尔逊 迪普·罗伊 梅丽莎·罗斯伯格 安尼塔·布朗 道格·郑 丹尼·朴迪 金·柯尔德 弗雷泽·艾奇逊 马修·麦考尔 艾米·阿内克 索瑞·安达斯鲁 格雷戈·格伦伯格 詹妮弗·千 加洛德·约瑟夫 杰瑞米·雷蒙德 亚当·迪马克 Douglas Chapman 丹·佩恩 谢伊·惠格姆 克里斯蒂安·斯隆 普里亚·拉贾拉特南 塔兰·凯勒姆 Alex Rose 阿什丽·艾德纳 杰夫·贝佐斯 艾丽嘉·奥特雷恩 埃里克·班内德 娜塔莉·穆恩 Arlene Santana Nick Satriano Bryce Soderburg 

导演:林诣彬 / 编剧:西蒙·佩吉 Simon Pegg/道格·杨格 Doug Jung/吉恩·罗登贝瑞 Gene Roddenberry/罗伯托·奥奇 Roberto Orci/约翰·D·佩恩 John D. Payne/派特里克·麦凯 Patrick McKay
