本科期间沉迷于《唐顿庄园》,没想到居然会有电影版上映,庄园里的每一个人都如此可爱,英国人真的好charming啊!难过的是granny要告别了,这个故事可能也要和我们告别了。电影最后granny和Mary说的话最让我impressive: My dear, save your tears for something sad. There's nothing sad here. I have lived a privileged and an interesting life, and now it's time to go. I'm leaving the family and the place that I treasure in talented hands. You are the future of Downtown. You're the best of me that will live on. Hurrah. I can't spend the rest of my life in a shower of "How are you feeling?" and "Are you quite well?" The point is I'll be fine until I'm not.


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