
又名:Reaching Out

主演:陈浩民 / 郭可盈 / 叶璇 / 林家栋 / 张燊悦 / 陈键锋 / 施念慈 / 夏雨 / 米雪 / 胡枫 / 黄桂林 / 于洋 / 邓浩光 / 王伟 / 韦家雄 / 成珈莹 / 罗兰 / 陈安莹 / 

导演:李添胜 / 编剧:陈静仪 Ching-yee Chan/吴肇铜 Siu Tung Ng








酷云影视为您提供2001年由陈浩民 郭可盈 叶璇 林家栋 张燊悦 陈键锋 施念慈 夏雨 米雪 胡枫 黄桂林 于洋 邓浩光 王伟 韦家雄 成珈莹 罗兰 陈安莹 主演,李添胜导演的《美丽人生》/原名《美麗人生》/又名《Reaching Out》影视在线观看,《美丽人生》百度云网盘资源以及《美丽人生》高清mp4迅雷下载,《美丽人生》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

戴福生(林家栋 饰)、刘二索(陈浩民 饰)和慧婷(张燊悦 饰)相识于孤儿院中,无依无靠的三人将彼此当做是自己的家人,彼此之间的感情非常亲密。戴福生年长,又乐善好施,因此在三人之间一直扮演着哥哥的角色,而游手好闲不务正业的刘二索则完全仰仗戴福生的庇护过活。   实际上,慧婷一直默默的爱慕着戴福生,但是慧婷知道,戴福生只是拿自己当做妹妹,对自己的感情只是亲情,而他真正喜欢的,是名为尹雪宜(叶璇 饰)的女子。慧婷决定将这份感情默默的埋藏在心底,转而帮助戴福生出谋划策追求尹雪宜,以成全自己最爱的男人的幸福。
Plot Summary:Dai Fook Sun is an orphan who loves helping out people, especially homeless people who live under the bridges. He brings food and water to them each day on his bike. He lives with the lazy Yee Sok and Yee Sok's father Lau Lik, whom Yee Sok refuses to admit that he's his father. The two \"brothers\" are like guardians to Ninth Sister or Ko Wei Ting. They grew up together in an orphanage. Fook Sung meets Yee Sok's so-called his girl, Jess. Jess is also an orphan but she lives with her annoying aunt and cousin. She may seem to do things a little differently than Fook Sung but she's actually really nice. She uses her beauty to attract more customers and get things done, but she doesn't like any of them. She fell for the good guy Fook Sung instead of Yee Sok who thought she liked him. She and Fook Sung were together only for a while.
