The teenager Christina, her younger brother Bobby, and their father James Tarling moves to a rented house in a small town in Washington to be close to Christina's mother Joanne, who is interned in an asylum. The house is being repaired by Howie Rhodes and Christina has a boy friend, the bad boy Eddy Duncan. While in the house, Christina hears noises and has a permanent feeling ...$奇怪的译名,毫无悬念的剧情,结尾虽然也跟很多恐怖片类似,但是我觉得最出彩的是结尾那个灯又亮起来的镜头。$这名字翻译的 跟鬼有个毛儿关系。。她妈妈真心太贱了。。$片子一般,女的身材不一般$男票很帅啊,小时候看的了剧情还是觉得挺恐怖的,,$原来是电锯惊魂前前传啊,老片拍摄就是扎实,再垃圾的片都有精致的布景,和有牺牲精神的女主!