
又名:Uchu majin Daikengo / Daikengo, The Guardian of Space

主演:石丸博也 堀江美都子 藤本让 岛田敏 筈见纯 Jun Hasumi 樽井京子 山田俊司 井上瑶 西尾徳 青野武 笹冈繁藏 

导演:八尋旭 / 编剧:酒井昭义 Akiyoshi Sakai/福島みちお


《宇宙魔神大剑豪》(1978)原名《宇宙魔神ダイケンゴー》字幕下载 / 又名《Uchu majin Daikengo / Daikengo, The Guardian of Space》中文字幕下载

Giant Robot Daikengo flies through space to re-establish galactic peace; on-board prince Ryger, who ran away from his planet Emperius to defeat the menace out of his reign borders, in order to save his people; Cleo, corrupted prime minister's daughter, help him along with two nice little robots, Anike and Otoke. They fight evil Lady Baracross, leading invasion forces, with her assistant Roboleon, wearing a Napoleon style hat. Daikengo is the first robot with scuttles on his mouth. When he opens them, his vampire style teeth are shown and he can spit fire.


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