
又名:Fire Force

主演:梶原岳人 小林裕介 市道真央 楠大典 兴津和幸 日野聪 关智一 悠木碧 小西克幸 Lynn 河西健吾 宫野真守 前野智昭 上条沙惠子 铃村健一 中井和哉 津田健次郎 阪口大助 

导演:八濑祐树 / 南川达马 / 古贺一臣 / 伊部勇志 / 千叶大辅 / 宫崎修治 / 


《炎炎消防队》(2019)原名《炎炎ノ消防隊》字幕下载 / 又名《Fire Force》中文字幕下载

The world we know is no more. A mysterious phenomenon stripped the humanity of the right to have a quiet life, with hopes and dreams. This plague is known as Spontaneous Human Combustion and turns people randomly into mindless creatures known as Infernals, which is the fate worse than death and causes one sufferings unimaginable. However, there are people that can control this cursed power and become pyrokinetics, who can manipulate the power of flame. To solve the mystery and cure the humanity, the Fire Defense Agency, Tokyo Army and The Holy Sol Temple form The Special Fire Force, also nicknamed Blue Stripes. Will the Special Fire Force solve the mystery and save the humanity from its new curse?


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