我的亲密敌人나의 절친 악당들(2015)

又名:我的至亲恶党 / Intimate Enemies / My Intimate Enemies


主演:柳昇范 高俊熙 柳贤静 梁益准 金应洙 郑元中 金柱赫 

导演:林常树 / 编剧:林常树 Sang-soo Im


《我的亲密敌人》(2015)原名《나의 절친 악당들》字幕下载 / 又名《我的至亲恶党 / Intimate Enemies / My Intimate Enemies》中文字幕下载

At a car accident site, Ji-noo and Nah-mi find a big bag full of money. Both of them are working hard, but always had bad luck and couldn't spare some money. So Ji-noo and Nah-mi decide to keep the money, but accidentally Jung-sook and Yakuboo learn about the bag and everybody tries to steal the money on their own. But when mobster who had lost the money, a dangerous chaos breaks loose.

