
又名:温柔时间 / Yasashii Jikan

主演:寺尾聪 二宫和也 长泽雅美 清水美沙 磨赤儿 余贵美子 大竹忍 朝加真由美 布施博 池田努 梶原善 木村多江 北岛三郎 小日向文世 小泉今日子 Kyôko Koizumi 

导演:田岛大辅 / 宫本理江子 / 西浦正记 / 编剧:仓本聪 So Kuramoto/Akio Kobayashi/Akihiro Tago/吉田纪子 Noriko Yoshida


《温柔时刻》(2005)原名《優しい時間》字幕下载 / 又名《温柔时间 / Yasashii Jikan》中文字幕下载

This is the story about one small coffee shop located in the northern island of Hokkaido. Yukichi Wakui used to work as a successful businessman at a prestigious trading firm. He worked for several years in New York as well as other cities around the world. When his wife Megumi died at the age of 47 in a car accident three years ago, he decided to leave the company. He was only57. When Megumi died in the accident, her 18-year-old son Takuro was at the wheel. Yukichi declined an offer to switch to an affiliate company after his retirement, and moved to Megumi's hometown Furano, Hokkaido instead. There he started a small coffee shop named "The Forest Clock." Unbeknownst to Yukichi, Takuro is working as an apprentice pottery maker in Biei-a town located 50km away from Furano. His father hasn't spoken a word to him since the accident. One day, Takuro meets Azusa, the lovely Forest Clock employee who has a habit of accidentally breaking the shop's plates and cups. It doesn't take long for ...


日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 DVDrip.x264.AC3
