
又名:扑杀天使朵库萝 / Bokusatsu tenshi / Bokusatsu tenshi Dokuro-chan

主演:千叶纱子 高木礼子 川澄绫子 钉宫理惠 渡边明乃 飞田展男 能登麻美子 生天目仁美 堀越真己 黑河奈美 保村真 奥田启人 立花慎之介 伊丸冈笃 田中伸幸 宫岛史年 望月健一 桐井大介 森田成一 岩田光央 

导演:水岛努 / 编剧:水岛努 Tsutomu Mizushima


《扑杀天使》(2005)原名《撲殺天使ドクロちゃん》字幕下载 / 又名《扑杀天使朵库萝 / Bokusatsu tenshi / Bokusatsu tenshi Dokuro-chan》中文字幕下载

Bokustsu tenshi Dokuro-chan, aka Club-to-Death Angel Dokuro-chan, is about a boy named Sakura Kusakabe who lives with an angel named Dokuro(or Dokuro-chan as they call her). Dokuro's like any normal angel, she uses magical powers to turn people into animals, she likes to torture people, oh, and she carries around a spiked metal bat that she beats people to death with, of course using her magical "Pipiru piru piru pipiru pi" spell to revive them again. Sakura has to worry enough with Dokuro-chan killing him all the time, but there's also other angels planning to kill him without reviving him again. Can he avoid his ill-fated demise?


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