
又名:mayoiga / 迷家-マヨイガ-

主演:酒井广大 相坂优歌 八代拓 佐仓薰 铃木达央 五十岚裕美 清水彩香 加隈亚衣 多田好 长谷川芳明 三好晃祐 高桥伸也 鸣海和希 堀江瞬 稻川英里 Lynn 中村樱 间岛淳司 阿部敦 新垣樽助 天崎滉平 汤浅枫 千本木彩花 仲谷明香 杉浦诗织 三上哲 

导演:水岛努 / 


《迷家》(2016)字幕下载 / 又名《mayoiga / 迷家-マヨイガ-》中文字幕下载

A shady bus tour of young men and women are headed to an elusive village called Nanakimura. A destination where people can partake in a Utopian existence, free of the world's obstacles, or so goes the rumor. Heading deep into the mountains, the bus is carrying 30 different individuals, each harboring their own expectations and troubled hearts. What they had arrived to was an uninhabited village with lingering, faint scents of life and it was falling apart. Just what is the secret of Nanakimura?


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