惧场The Cage(2014)


主演:杨雁雁 许亮宇 辛伟廉 庄可比 张顺源 庄仲维 蔡佩璇 陈凯旋 李承运 林美芬 王骏 

导演:陈炳丰 / 池家庆 / 编剧:池家庆 Kethsvin Chee/陈炳丰 Felix Tan


《惧场》(2014)原名《The Cage》字幕下载

Six actors are about to present their one of its kind thriller theater, where they will perform in a gigantic locked cage on stage. On its premiere, the first character to be killed in the story unexpectedly died for real on stage. Desperate to escape from the cage, the remaining actors cried for help from the crew and audience, only to be responded by a thunderous applause. They now realize that they have fallen into a secretly well planned trap by organizational psychopath murderers. In order to survive, they must continue to perform according to the plot until they find the murderer hidden among them.


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