
又名:幻城电视剧版 / Ice Fantasy

主演:冯绍峰 宋茜 马天宇 张萌 麦迪娜 金喜善 邵兵 胡兵 书亚信 龚蓓苾 汪铎 徐娇 徐可 刘冬沁 张雨剑 陈欣予 黄海冰 逯恣祯 黄德毅 郑佩佩 李晟 严屹宽 沈海蓉 彭杨 王艺曈 姜潮 宫正楠 居来提·库提来 秦勇 曲尼次仁 张籽沐 边程 纪姿含 吴优 范世錡 张歆艺 白冰 邓莎 王嵛 王艺禅 

导演:鞠觉亮 / 编剧:郭敬明 Jingming Guo/沈芷凝 Zhining Shen


《幻城》(2016)字幕下载 / 又名《幻城电视剧版 / Ice Fantasy》中文字幕下载

Rue Xen City was under attack by the afore Clan, melting the Ice Curtain built thousands of a years ago to protect the Ice Clan from future Fire Clan disputes. Ko Sua, with help from Kingdon Gaurdian, Li Luo, were now on a journey to retrieve the Six Crystal Leaves in order to restore the great Ice Curtain before Fire King Hou Yi took over and united the three kingdoms.


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