哆啦A梦:大雄与机器人王国ドラえもん のび太とロボット王国(2002)

又名:Doraemon: Nobita to robotto kingudamu


主演:大山信代 小原乃梨子 野村道子 立壁和也 肝付兼太 桑岛法子 新山千春 小锦八十吉 千千松幸子 野泽雅子 杉山佳寿子 穗积隆信 藤田淑子 银河万丈 南央美 

导演:芝山努 / 编剧:藤子・F・不二雄 F. Fujio Fujiko/岸间信明 Nobuaki Kishima


《哆啦A梦:大雄与机器人王国》(2002)原名《ドラえもん のび太とロボット王国》字幕下载 / 又名《Doraemon: Nobita to robotto kingudamu》中文字幕下载

Doraemon and friends travels into another world via the time machine; where humans and robots are living together. However they soon find out that the Empress of Robot Kingdom was trying to capture robots there and turn them emotionless. As the situation goes tense, our heroes sets out to stop the Empress and her plan.


日期 资源名称
2021-07-27 大雄与机器人王国 Doraemon.Nobita.and.the.Robot.Kingdom.200
