
又名:圣战 / 东京圣战 / Battle Royale

上映日期:2000-10(东京国际电影节) / 2000-12-16(日本)片长:114

主演:藤原龙也 前田亚季 山本太郎 北野武 栗山千明 高冈奏辅 塚本高史 小谷幸弘 石川绘里 神谷凉 三村恭代 岛田礼 井上亚纪 松泽莲 本田博仁 新田亮 池田早矢加 永田杏奈 金泽祐香利 加藤操 日向瞳 石井里弥 金井爱砂美 花村怜美 柴田阳亮 乡志郎 增田裕生 广川茂树 三原珠纪 岛木智实 佐野泰臣 日下慎 西村豪起 山口森广 大西修 横道智 内藤淳一 木下统耶子 关口真衣 马场乔子 野见山晴可 岩村爱子 前田爱 美波 山村美智子 利根川寿寿花 诹访太朗 片冈礼子 谷口节 中井出健 深浦加奈子 宫村优子 柴崎幸 安藤政信 伊尔琳·菲茨杰拉德 斯蒂芬妮·社 John Snyder 斯派克·斯潘塞 Kaiji Tang Julie Ann Taylor 

导演:深作欣二 / 编剧:深作健太 Kenta Fukasaku/高见广春 Koushun Takami


《大逃杀》(2000)原名《バトル・ロワイアル》字幕下载 / 又名《圣战 / 东京圣战 / Battle Royale》中文字幕下载

Forty-two students, three days, one deserted Island: welcome to Battle Royale. A group of ninth-grade students from a Japanese high school have been forced by legislation to compete in a Battle Royale. The students are sent off to kill each other in a no-holds-barred game to the death, until one survives -- or they all die. Some decide to play the game like the psychotic Kiriyama or the sexual Mitsuko, while others are trying to find a way to get off the Island without violence. However, as the numbers dwindle is there any way for Shuya and his classmates to survive?


日期 资源名称
2024-06-28 大逃杀 (2000)
2023-10-15 大逃杀 导剪版.Battle.Royale.2000.Directors.Cut.1080p.Blu
2022-01-27 大逃杀[特效字幕]Battle.Royale.2000.Director's.Cut.GBR.UHD
2021-05-22 [大逃杀].Battle.Royale.2000.JAPANESE.DC.2160p.UHD.Blu
