CRISIS 公安机动搜查队特搜组CRISIS 公安機動捜査隊特捜班(2017)

主演:小栗旬 西岛秀俊 田中哲司 野间口彻 新木优子 石田百合子 饭田基祐 真岛秀和 野崎萌香 长塚京三 

导演:铃木浩介 / 白木启一郎 / 编剧:金城一纪 Kazuki Kaneshiro


《CRISIS 公安机动搜查队特搜组》(2017)原名《CRISIS 公安機動捜査隊特捜班》字幕下载

The Special Investigation Unit is a secret force of specialists in various fields. The unit is under the direct control of the head of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department Security Bureau. Its members include investigator Inami Akira who sustained serious trauma in a special mission during the time he was in the Self-Defence Forces: and Tamura Saburo who was ordered to transfer from the Public Security Department Foreign Affairs Division in the wake of some incident and was later picked out by the Special Investigation Unit. These men will find themselves confronting irregular cases that will shake up the country.

CRISIS 公安机动搜查队特搜组:最新字幕下载资源
