
又名:RFK遇剌的那天(港) / 惊爆时刻(台) / 博比 / 五星级谋杀 / 刺杀博比


主演:安东尼·霍普金斯 哈里·贝拉方特 海瑟·格拉汉姆 海伦·亨特 琳赛·洛翰 威廉姆·H·梅西 黛米·摩尔 莎朗·斯通 伊利亚·伍德 克里斯蒂安·史莱特 劳伦斯·菲什伯恩 希亚·拉博夫 布莱恩·格拉格提 阿什顿·库彻 大卫·克朗姆霍茨 马丁·辛 弗莱迪·罗德里格兹 

导演:艾米利奥·艾斯特维兹 / 编剧:Emilio Estevez


《鲍比》(2006)原名《Bobby》字幕下载 / 又名《RFK遇剌的那天(港) / 惊爆时刻(台) / 博比 / 五星级谋杀 / 刺杀博比》中文字幕下载

Tuesday, June 4, 1968: the California presidential primary. As day breaks Robert F. Kennedy arrives at the Ambassador Hotel; he'll campaign, then speak to supporters at midnight. To capture the texture of the late 1960s, we see vignettes at the hotel: a couple marries so he can avoid Vietnam, kitchen staff discuss race and baseball, a man cheats on his wife, another is fired for racism, a retired hotel doorman plays chess in the lobby with an old friend, a campaign strategist's wife needs a pair of black shoes, two campaign staff trip on LSD, a lounge singer is on the downhill slide. Through it all, we see and hear RFK calling for a better society and a better nation.


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