

主演:鬼头明里 伊藤美来 沼仓爱美 上田丽奈 佐伯伊织 田中贵子 伊藤静 川澄绫子 佐藤利奈 茅野爱衣 稗田宁宁 佐佐木未来 白石凉子 梶原岳人 

导演:桑原智 / 矢花馨 / 吉村文宏 / 岩本保雄 / 川西泰二 / 山本隆太 / 铃木卓夫 / 山内东生雄 / 


《安达与岛村》(2020)原名《安達としまむら》字幕下载 / 又名《樱与抱月》中文字幕下载

The second floor of the gym - this was where we always met. It was class time, but of course, there weren't any classes going on in a place like this. This was where Shimamura and I became friends. We hung out here, talking about TV shows and cooking, playing some ping pong. This is where we fostered our friendship. Keeping my head propped against the wall, I let out a small sigh. What was this feeling? Yesterday, I dreamed of me and Shimamura kissing. Not that I'm like that. I'm sure Shimamura isn't either. It's not even something worth repeating myself about, but really, it's not like that.


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