
又名:Hero Interview


主演:真田广之 铃木保奈美 安达祐实 武田铁矢 石田壹成 江口洋介 岸谷五朗 关根勤 寺胁康文 山本圭 鹤见辰吾 萩原圣人 武田真治 

导演:光野道夫 / 编剧:野岛伸司 Shinji Nojima


《爱情全垒打》(1994)原名《ヒーローインタビュー》字幕下载 / 又名《Hero Interview》中文字幕下载

A career woman works at a newspaper and publishing company. She is unexpectedly assigned to another department in order to cover sports. She has to work the baseball beat. She knows little about the sport however. She attends a game one day where she meets a minor league baseball player who has a daughter and no wife. He used to be in the majors, but has not been the same since his accident. The man is pondering retirement. The reporter tries to cheer him up. They fall in love.


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