正南方 第四季Due South(1998)

主演:保罗·格罗斯 Paul Gross/考乐姆·吉斯·雷尼 Callum Keith Rennie/大卫·马尔西亚诺 David Marciano/Beau Starr/Tony Craig/凯萨琳·布吕耶 Catherine Bruhier/Ramona Milano

导演:保罗·哈吉斯 / George Bloomfield / Steve DiMarco / 编剧:保罗·哈吉斯 Paul Haggis/保罗·格罗斯 Paul Gross


正南方 第四季主演:保罗·格罗斯 Paul Gross/考乐姆·吉斯·雷尼 Callum Keith Rennie/大卫·马尔西亚诺 David Marciano/Beau Starr/Tony Craig/凯萨琳·布吕耶 Catherine Bruhier/Ramona Milano, The cases of a cynical American police detective and a upright Royal Canadian Mounted Police constable in the city of Chicago.
Unable to drive because of a foot injury, Welsh enlists Fraser's help to go back to his home town and aid his brother, a small town sheriff, in stopping a series of seemingly unrelated crimes that may cost him his job.

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