
又名:银河英雄传说:星之海洋 / Legend of the Galactic Heroes: My Conquest Is the Sea of Stars

主演:堀川亮 Ryô Horikawa/富山敬 Kei Tomiyama/广中雅志 Hironaka Masashi/井上和彦 Kazuhiko Inoue/森功至 Katsuji Mori/德丸完 Kan Tokumaru/若本规夫 Norio Wakamoto/大木民夫 Tamio Ôki/柴田秀胜 Hidekatsu Shibata/政宗一成 Issei Masamune/二又一成 Issei Futamata/大林隆介 Ryûnosuke Ôbayashi/户谷公次 Kôji Totani/古川登志夫 Toshio Furukawa/石丸博也 Hiroya Ishimaru/铃置洋孝 Hirotaka Suzuoki/盐泽兼人 Kaneto Shiozawa/石冢运升 Unshô Ishizuka/菊池正美 Masami Kikuchi/小林通孝 Kobayashi Michitaka/堀内贤雄 Ken'yû Horiuchi/平野正人 Hirano Masato/江森浩子 Hiroko Emori/中野圣子 Nakano Seiko/田中和实 Kazumi Tanaka/屋良有作 Yûsaku Yara

导演:石黑升 / 编剧:田中芳树 Yoshiki Tanaka/首藤刚志 Takeshi Shudo



银河英雄传说:我的征途是星辰大海主演:堀川亮 Ryô Horikawa/富山敬 Kei Tomiyama/广中雅志 Hironaka Masashi/井上和彦 Kazuhiko Inoue/森功至 Katsuji Mori/德丸完 Kan Tokumaru/若本规夫 Norio Wakamoto/大木民夫 Tamio Ôki/柴田秀胜 Hidekatsu Shibata/政宗一成 Issei Masamune/二又一成 Issei Futamata/大林隆介 Ryûnosuke Ôbayashi/户谷公次 Kôji Totani/古川登志夫 Toshio Furukawa/石丸博也 Hiroya Ishimaru/铃置洋孝 Hirotaka Suzuoki/盐泽兼人 Kaneto Shiozawa/石冢运升 Unshô Ishizuka/菊池正美 Masami Kikuchi/小林通孝 Kobayashi Michitaka/堀内贤雄 Ken'yû Horiuchi/平野正人 Hirano Masato/江森浩子 Hiroko Emori/中野圣子 Nakano Seiko/田中和实 Kazumi Tanaka/屋良有作 Yûsaku Yara, 帝国历486年,年仅19岁的茵哈特·冯·缪杰尔凭借其天才的指挥能力和战斗素养赢得无上荣耀,但同时因为姐姐安妮罗杰是皇帝的宠妃,他也受多许多贵族军官的嘲讽和轻蔑。当茵哈特在上将齐格飞·吉尔菲艾斯的陪同下率领远征军抵达曾经牺牲了数千万人命的伊谢尔伦要塞时,却 被指挥官不顾舟车劳顿,下令命他们前往奈古尼查星迎击同盟军。 在这颗情况复杂的星球,茵哈特再次展现了他出神入化的战场应变能力。五成兵力惨遭歼灭的同盟军指挥官丝毫不承认自己的颟顸,反而率领大批兵力卷土重来。 帝国历486年9月(宇宙历795年9月)第四次提亚马会战拉开序幕,莱因哈特上将率领作为核心的帝国军左翼舰队,即将迎来一场名载史册的传奇战役……
This is the first animated film in the adaptation of "Legends of the Galactic Heroes" to the screen. This series is based on a very popular Japanese science fiction novel series of the same name. Briefly, this story is set several thousand years in the future, when humanity has spread to hundreds of planets. The human Universe is divided into 2 camps: The Galactic Empire, which has an autocratic semi-feudal society based on 18th century Prussia, and the Free Planets Alliance, started by dissidents and expatriates from the Empire. The two cultures have been at war for the past 150 years, locked in a perpetual stalemate akin to World War 1 in space, with incompetent leadership on both sides. This film chronicles the first encounter of two brilliant new young commanders, Admiral Reinhard von Museal in the Empire, and Commodore Yang Wen-Li in the Alliance, both of whose leadership and tactical genius allow them to rise over the resentment of their incompetent superiors, changing the ...


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