寻人密探组 第五季Without a Trace(2006)

又名:毫无踪迹 第五季 / 失踪现场 第五季

主演:Marianne Jean-Baptiste/安东尼·拉帕格利亚 Anthony LaPaglia/派琵·蒙格玛丽 Poppy Montgomery/恩里克·穆西安诺 Enrique Murciano/艾瑞克·克罗斯 Eric Close

导演:Randy Zisk / 编剧:Hank Steinberg


寻人密探组 第五季主演:Marianne Jean-Baptiste/安东尼·拉帕格利亚 Anthony LaPaglia/派琵·蒙格玛丽 Poppy Montgomery/恩里克·穆西安诺 Enrique Murciano/艾瑞克·克罗斯 Eric Close,
A boy says that his father has abducted a young child, but the investigation reveals that he may have been abducted too and that the man is not his father.

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