新通灵之战Новая Битва экстрасенсов(2022)

主演:马拉特·巴沙罗夫 季马  比兰 Ilya Larionov Vlad Cherevatyy 

导演:Олег Чаурс / 



"通灵之战 "项目涉及具有非凡能力的人。女巫和巫师、神秘主义者、魔术师、治疗师、占卜师和其他许多人都在争夺胜利和本季最佳灵媒的称号。"通灵之战"--TNT 电视台历史上的经典项目和标志性节目。每年,自称通灵师的人都要通过艰难的测试,向观众证明自己的能力。节目主持人会观察参与者和通过任务的纯度,任务一年比一年复杂。在节目播出期间,有数百名具有非凡能力的人参加了节目。在该项目框架内,参与者不仅要通过测试,还要帮助真人解决困难、解开历史之谜、揭露重大事件和犯罪。
The \"New Battle of Psychics\" will continue the experiment started by TNT almost 15 years ago. The main task is to test people who call themselves psychics, to test their abilities. Project participants undergo a variety of tests to prove that they have an unusual gift. In the show, the tests will become even more difficult, and the tasks for psychics will tell new stories of real people, which are sometimes hard to believe.


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