

主演:田村由加莉 Yukari Tamura/阿澄佳奈 Kana Asumi/山村响 Hibiku Yamamura/铃木达央 Tatsuhisa Suzuki/佐藤利奈 Rina Satou/小形满 Mitsuru Ogata/河西健吾 Kengo Kawanishi/福松进纱 Shinya Fukumatsu

导演:川口敬一郎 / 编剧:ごぉ氏


夏岛悬疑主演:田村由加莉 Yukari Tamura/阿澄佳奈 Kana Asumi/山村响 Hibiku Yamamura/铃木达央 Tatsuhisa Suzuki/佐藤利奈 Rina Satou/小形满 Mitsuru Ogata/河西健吾 Kengo Kawanishi/福松进纱 Shinya Fukumatsu, 故事发生在地处偏远的小岛“浦岛”上,虽然那里风景如诗如画民风淳朴又自由,但世世代代都生活在那里的原住民们,他们被曾经发生过的事情和古老的繁文缛节所限制。随着时间的推移,无法看到未来希望的居民们开始自暴自弃。   一天,一位名为三千里切那(铃木达央 配音)的男子被海浪冲到了沙滩上,失去了重要的记忆的他,只知道自己背负着拯救世界的使命。在岛上,切那邂逅了只在夜晚出门的顽固家里蹲御原凛音(田村由香里 配音)、个性大大咧咧有些男孩子气的枢都夏莲(阿澄佳奈 配音)和拥有着悲惨身世灵感力极强的伽蓝堂纱罗(山村响 配音)。
Urashima, an island far from the mainland. The people who live there lead carefree lives. But five years ago, the island's three great families suffered a series of misfortunes and succumbed to suspicion. The people of the island cut off all contact with the mainland and began a slow decline. The key to saving the island lies in three girls who belong to the three families. But they are bound by old traditions, and are conflicted. On that island, a lone man washes ashore. The man claims to be from the future, and he begins a solitary struggle to change the island's fate.


日期 资源名称
2019-05-18 【千夏字幕組】【island】[01-12話][bdrip_1080p_avc][繁體][合集]
2019-05-18 【千夏字幕组】【island】[01-12话][bdrip_1080p_avc][简体][合集]
2019-05-18 【千夏字幕组】【island】[01-12话][bdrip_1080p_hevc][简繁外挂][合集]
2019-05-12 【悠哈璃羽字幕社】[ISLAND][01][x264 1080P][CHT]
2019-05-12 【悠哈璃羽字幕社】[ISLAND][01][x264 1080P][CHS]
2019-05-12 【千夏字幕組】【ISLAND】[第01話][720P_MP4_AVC][繁體]
2019-05-12 【千夏字幕组】【ISLAND】[第01话][720P_MP4_AVC][简体]
2019-05-12 【千夏字幕组】【ISLAND】[第01话][1080P_WEBRIP_MKV][简繁外挂]
2019-05-12 【千夏字幕組】【ISLAND】[第01話][1080P_MP4_AVC][繁體]
2019-05-12 【千夏字幕组】【ISLAND】[第01话][1080P_MP4_AVC][简体]
2019-05-12 [澄空学园&华盟字幕社][7月新番] ISLAND 第01话 MP4 720p
2019-05-12 【傲嬌零字幕組】Island [01][720P][MKV][GB_BIG5](招募)
2019-05-12 【傲嬌零字幕組】Island [01][720P][MP4][BIG5](招募)
2019-05-12 【傲娇零字幕组】Island [01][720P][MP4][GB](招募)
2019-05-12 [Ohys-Raws] Island - 01 (MX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4
