玩命毒师3:荣誉之名Smetto quando voglio: Ad honorem(2017)

主演:Edoardo Leo/Peppe Barra/Stefano Fresi/Giampaolo Morelli/Paolo Calabresi/Libero de Rienzo/瓦莱丽亚·索拉里诺 Valeria Solarino/Pietro Sermonti/Greta Scarano/路易吉·洛·卡肖 Luigi Lo Cascio

导演:Sydney Sibilia / 编剧:Luigi di Capua/Francesca Manieri/Sydney Sibilia



玩命毒师3:荣誉之名主演:Edoardo Leo/Peppe Barra/Stefano Fresi/Giampaolo Morelli/Paolo Calabresi/Libero de Rienzo/瓦莱丽亚·索拉里诺 Valeria Solarino/Pietro Sermonti/Greta Scarano/路易吉·洛·卡肖 Luigi Lo Cascio, 自从皮特罗吉尼的团伙在Sopox生产实验室被抓之后,他们被关到了不同的监狱。在天堂皇后监狱,皮特罗一直提醒当局一个疯子合成了神经毒气而且准备进行一场屠杀,但没有人相信他。因此他想办法转到莱比比亚监狱只为见到掌握重要线索的穆莱那。之后皮特罗想把所有由大学研究员组成的团伙重 新召集在一起……
Has been an year since Pietro Zinni's gang got caught in the Sopox production laboratory and each of them locked up in different jails. From Regina Coeli jail, Pietro keep warning the authorities a fool syntetized nerve gas and he is ready to make a killing, but no one takes him seriously. So he puts in for a transfer to Rebibbia to meet Murena, who has useful information to intercept the murderer. After which, Pietro wants to get the gang of university researchers back together: the perennal unemployed (or detained) most brilliant minds around.

