天才除草人2Lawnmower Man 2: Beyond Cyberspace(1996)

又名:异度空间 2

主演:帕特里克·博金 Patrick Bergin/马特·弗里沃 Matt Frewer/奥斯汀·奥布莱恩 Austin O'Brien/Ely Pouget/Camille Cooper/Patrick LaBrecque/Crystal Celeste Grant/Sean P. Young/Mathew Valencia/凯文·康韦 Kevin Conway/特沃·欧布莱恩 Trever O'Brien/理查德·凡西 Richard Fancy/埃利斯·威廉姆斯 Ellis Williams/卡斯图罗·格雷拉 Castulo Guerra/莫莉·香侬 Molly Shannon/戴维·伯德 David Byrd/帕特里夏·贝尔彻 Patricia Belcher/格雷格·丹尼尔 Gregg Daniel

导演:Farhad Mann / 编剧:Farhad Mann/迈克尔·迈纳 Michael Miner



天才除草人2主演:帕特里克·博金 Patrick Bergin/马特·弗里沃 Matt Frewer/奥斯汀·奥布莱恩 Austin O'Brien/Ely Pouget/Camille Cooper/Patrick LaBrecque/Crystal Celeste Grant/Sean P. Young/Mathew Valencia/凯文·康韦 Kevin Conway/特沃·欧布莱恩 Trever O'Brien/理查德·凡西 Richard Fancy/埃利斯·威廉姆斯 Ellis Williams/卡斯图罗·格雷拉 Castulo Guerra/莫莉·香侬 Molly Shannon/戴维·伯德 David Byrd/帕特里夏·贝尔彻 Patricia Belcher/格雷格·丹尼尔 Gregg Daniel,
Jobe is resuscitated by Jonathan Walker. He wants Jobe to create a special computer chip that would connect all the computers in the world into one network, which Walker would control and use. But what Walker doesn't realize is a group of teenage hackers are on to him and out to stop his plan.

