邻里 第一季Nieuwe Buren(2014)

又名:The Neighbors / 换偶(新)

主演:丹·史胡曼斯 Daan Schuurmans/Bracha van Doesburgh/Anneke Blok/卡琳娜·丝穆德 Karina Smulders/Leopold Witte/泰斯·罗默 Thijs Römer/Maxime van Ommeren/Tibor Lukács/Rohan Timmermans/福克琳·欧沃凯尔克 Fockeline Ouwerkerk/Katja Schuurman/费德贾·范·胡艾特 Fedja van Huêt/Stefan de Walle/托比亚斯·科斯洛特 Tobias Kersloot/卢卡斯·狄克马 Lukas Dijkema/Beppie Melissen/艾比·侯斯 Abbey Hoes/Ali Cifteci/汤科·博森 Tonko Bossen/Bo Maerten/Saskia Temmink/雷蒙德·提哈瑞 Raymond Thiry/Hubert Fermin/马德奥·范·德·格里恩 Matteo van der Grijn/Wimie Wilhelm/Dinand Woesthoff/Juda Goslinga/Anousha Nzumé/Carola Arons/米哈·赫尔肖夫 Micha Hulshof/贝琳达·范·德·斯杜普 Belinda van der Stoep/Leny Breederveld/Mattijn Hartemink/Juul Vrijdag

导演:未知编剧:Karin van der Meer/Dorien Goertzen/玛尔妮·勃洛克 Marnie Blok


邻里 第一季主演:丹·史胡曼斯 Daan Schuurmans/Bracha van Doesburgh/Anneke Blok/卡琳娜·丝穆德 Karina Smulders/Leopold Witte/泰斯·罗默 Thijs Römer/Maxime van Ommeren/Tibor Lukács/Rohan Timmermans/福克琳·欧沃凯尔克 Fockeline Ouwerkerk/Katja Schuurman/费德贾·范·胡艾特 Fedja van Huêt/Stefan de Walle/托比亚斯·科斯洛特 Tobias Kersloot/卢卡斯·狄克马 Lukas Dijkema/Beppie Melissen/艾比·侯斯 Abbey Hoes/Ali Cifteci/汤科·博森 Tonko Bossen/Bo Maerten/Saskia Temmink/雷蒙德·提哈瑞 Raymond Thiry/Hubert Fermin/马德奥·范·德·格里恩 Matteo van der Grijn/Wimie Wilhelm/Dinand Woesthoff/Juda Goslinga/Anousha Nzumé/Carola Arons/米哈·赫尔肖夫 Micha Hulshof/贝琳达·范·德·斯杜普 Belinda van der Stoep/Leny Breederveld/Mattijn Hartemink/Juul Vrijdag, 彼得和伊娃是一对年轻的夫妇,期待着他们第一个孩子的到来,为此他们打算搬到了郊区居住迎接全新的未来。但是,悲剧降临:早产的孩子夭折了。他们从新邻居丽贝卡和史蒂夫那里得到支持和帮助。一种亲密的关系开始萌芽,在这种关系里,不仅有欢乐和悲伤,甚至还有性爱。两对夫妇的生活变得互相交织,紧密联系,直到无可回头。
Peter and Eva, a nice young couple expecting their first child, buy a house in a suburban village. Before they get to move into their new home, they lose the baby girl. Eva has a hard time coping with her loss. Peter has mixed feelings. The baby wasn't his to begin with. He's infertile and hopes the chapter of having children has now come to an end. When they meet their new neighbors Rebecca and Steven, a carefree outgoing couple, that helps them forget their pain. But are Rebecca and Steven really who they say they are?

邻里 第一季:最新迅雷BT下载资源

日期 资源名称
2019-06-30 The Swingers S01 - Hardcoded Eng Subs - Sno
2019-06-30 The Swingers S02 - Hardcoded Eng Subs - Sno
2019-06-30 Nieuwe buren S01E10.mkv
