满足 第一季Satisfaction(2007)

主演:凯斯蒂·莫拉西 Kestie Morassi/迈德琳·怀斯特 Madeleine West/Alison Whyte/戴安娜·格伦 Diana Glenn/博亚娜·诺瓦科维奇 Bojana Novaković/Peta Sergeant/达斯汀·克莱尔 Dustin Clare/沙利文·斯特普尔顿 Sullivan Stapleton/罗伯特·马莫内 Robert Mammone/Camille Keenan/尼古拉斯·贝尔 Nicholas Bell/罗伯特·泰勒 Robert Taylor/尚恩·康纳 Shane Connor/纳撒尼尔·迪安 Nathaniel Dean/Maria Theodorakis/伯纳德·库里 Bernard Curry/Tanya Burne/Kate Jenkinson/格兰特·鲍尔 Grant Bowler/Steven Vidler/大卫·罗伯茨 David Roberts/杰森·庄 Jason Chong/杰基·韦佛 Jacki Weaver/苏菲·洛 Sophie Lowe/约翰尼·帕斯沃尔斯基 Jonny Pasvolsky/Robert Menzies/Luke Elliot/瑞恩·约翰逊 Ryan Johnson

导演:Paul Moloney / Daina Reid / 编剧:Roger Simpson/Matt Ford/Samantha Winston


满足 第一季主演:凯斯蒂·莫拉西 Kestie Morassi/迈德琳·怀斯特 Madeleine West/Alison Whyte/戴安娜·格伦 Diana Glenn/博亚娜·诺瓦科维奇 Bojana Novaković/Peta Sergeant/达斯汀·克莱尔 Dustin Clare/沙利文·斯特普尔顿 Sullivan Stapleton/罗伯特·马莫内 Robert Mammone/Camille Keenan/尼古拉斯·贝尔 Nicholas Bell/罗伯特·泰勒 Robert Taylor/尚恩·康纳 Shane Connor/纳撒尼尔·迪安 Nathaniel Dean/Maria Theodorakis/伯纳德·库里 Bernard Curry/Tanya Burne/Kate Jenkinson/格兰特·鲍尔 Grant Bowler/Steven Vidler/大卫·罗伯茨 David Roberts/杰森·庄 Jason Chong/杰基·韦佛 Jacki Weaver/苏菲·洛 Sophie Lowe/约翰尼·帕斯沃尔斯基 Jonny Pasvolsky/Robert Menzies/Luke Elliot/瑞恩·约翰逊 Ryan Johnson, Set in a high class brothel this new series creates a hyper reality whereby we are privy to the private lives and emotions of five beautiful young women
Club 232, a luxury bordello in Melbourne (Australia), is the focal point of fun, debauchery and various drama involving prostitutes, pimp team, clients families and others. Gangster Nick runs it for a shady conglomerate, until a drug deal proves fatal and his daughter and daily assistant Nat must take over. Callgirl Mel has the top-end clients, semi-independent. The other girls tend to struggle with their private lives and whether to keep them apart from 'sex work'. Clients and loved ones have their own problems.

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