惊人的移植The Amazing Transplant(1970)


主演:João Fernandes/Linda Southern/Larry Hunter

导演:Doris Wishman / 



惊人的移植主演:João Fernandes/Linda Southern/Larry Hunter, 这部片子有说到灵魂的问题,有个哥们受伤,是下体受伤晓得不?所以移植了了小鸡鸡!本来一个很老实的人,忽然对美女充满占有的欲望,原来是移植的是一个强奸犯的小鸡鸡,所以灵魂给污染了 后面咋办呢?
A seemingly pleasant fellow, Arthur goes berserk and rapes any woman in front of him wearing gold earrings. One woman tells the investigating detective (who is Arthur's uncle) she was raped, and flashes back to an erotic love making scene. Another one, a lesbian, relates a story that has to be seen to be believed. Other women flashback to their encounters with Arthur. We find out from a doctor, in another flashback, that Arthur underwent a penis transplant with a just-dead friend, unknowing his friend was a serial rapist who preyed on golden earring-ed women.

