
又名:Konjiki yasha / Golden Demon


导演:島耕二 / 



金色夜叉主演:山本富士子, 第一高等中学学生贯一与田泽宫子订了婚。但宫子父亲因为银行家儿子富山唯继有钱,就极力撺掇宫子与富山往来。最后,宫子背叛了贯一与富山结婚。愤怒的贯一痛骂宫子,在绝望中也做起了高利贷生意,希望以钱来雪洗此恨。宫子听说此事后,良心上受到谴责。女高利贷赤悭满枝想接近贯一,遭到贯一拒绝。一次,贯一从老朋友荒尾那里听说宫子婚后生活受尽虐待日子很不好过,他还在梦中梦到宫子自杀。贯子在去盐原的路上,无意中救了住在隔壁的一对想要一起情死的男女,从被救的女人口中得知落入富山魔掌的女人的境遇,由此贯一更深地了解到宫子的不幸。一名借款人被逼放火烧了贯一的房子。宫子因不堪忍受虐待,绝望之极跳河自杀,被来此寻找她的贯一救下,两人表示要重新做人。
Tokyo, 1890. Through avarice, a series of misunderstandings, and failures of courage, the engagement of Kan-ichi (a student) and Miya (the daughter of Kan-ichi's debtor) is canceled to enable Miya to marry Tomiyama, a wealthy banker's son. In bitter despair, Kan-ichi breaks with his friends, drops his studies, and declares he has ceased to be human. He apprentices to a money-lender, and he's soon ruthless and wealthy. Several years later, Miya's in misery, her husband mistreats her. She goes to Kan-ichi to beg forgiveness; he pushes her away. He's now pursued by Akagashi, herself a cold-hearted loan shark. Can anything free Kan-ichi's hard heart from the golden demon?


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