Hold on Me(2011)

主演:Robert Pattinson/Carey Mulligan

导演:Samuel Abrahams / 编剧:Samuel Abrahams/Ella Hickson



Hold on Me主演:Robert Pattinson/Carey Mulligan, The film is the “true story about a femme fatale (Mulligan) who with her boyfriend kidnaps and ransoms the town’s richest man. They bury him in a box and things go horribly awry,” according to Deadline.
Eve and Tom have a loving and playful relationship, where they just seem to "get" each other. However, they have been out of sync of late, he wanting to be serious when she wants to be playful, and she wanting to be serious when he wants to be playful. And what used not to need explanations because the other automatically understood now needs either to be explained or just totally dropped as a subject. Although there still seem to be moments of spark between the two, they will have to figure out how to get out of this misstep with each other or face the alternative.

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