
又名:South of the Clouds

主演:李治廷 Aarif Lee/黄龄 Isabella/吴昕 Xin Wu/蔡鹭 Lu Cai/孙浩辰 Rombo Shyy/刘倬廷 Zhuoting Liu/张艺泷 Yilong Zhang/崔宝月 Baoyue Cui/邢硕 Shuo Xing/周纬 Wei Zhou/王小山 Xiaoshan Wang

导演:郭爽 / 冯媛 / 编剧:冯媛 Yuan Feng/郭爽 Shuang Guo



北回归线主演:李治廷 Aarif Lee/黄龄 Isabella/吴昕 Xin Wu/蔡鹭 Lu Cai/孙浩辰 Rombo Shyy/刘倬廷 Zhuoting Liu/张艺泷 Yilong Zhang/崔宝月 Baoyue Cui/邢硕 Shuo Xing/周纬 Wei Zhou/王小山 Xiaoshan Wang, 李明(李治廷 饰)是一位撩妹高手,面对眼前的莺莺燕燕,李明虽然从来都不动真心,但总能够轻而易举就获得她们的芳心。很快,李明便从自己的这项技能中发现了商机,伙同女友觅觅(吴昕 饰)等四名好友,李明走上了情感诈骗的道路。   然而一场意外的发生让李明马失前蹄,觅觅亦因此身陷险境。为了拯救觅觅,李明不得不前往云南去寻找一位名叫阿隆(黄龄 饰)的女子,阿隆的手中,掌握着找到觅觅下落的关键线索。面对高冷的阿隆,李明施展出了一系列惯用伎俩,哪知道统统不奏效,被阿隆四两拨千斤般的一一化解。在两人“博弈”的过程中,李明渐渐开始明白感情的真谛。
Ming is a very popular among women. He never gives out his real heart but women fell for him anyways. He used his looks and pick up skills to con women. One day his tricks got him and his then girlfriend Mimi in trouble. While trying to save Mimi, he met a girl with ice old personality Along and none of his old tricks works on this girl. So Ming had to reveal his true self to Along and finally realize what a real relationship means.

