妖精的尾巴剧场版:龙泣劇場版FAIRY TAIL -DRAGON CRY-(2017)

又名:魔导少年 剧场版 龙之泪(台) / 妖精的尾巴剧场版第二部 / Fairy Tail : DRAGON CRY


主演:柿原彻也 平野绫 钉宫理惠 中村悠一 大原沙耶香 佐藤聪美 堀江由衣 羽多野涉 东地宏树 中原麻衣 小野凉子 伊濑茉莉也 安元洋贵 樱井浩美 泽城美雪 岸尾大辅 黑田崇矢 后藤沙绪里 樱井真子 高木涉 三森铃子 加隈亚衣 滨添伸也 长谷川芳明 熊谷健太郎 手冢弘道 沼仓爱美 前野智昭 古川慎 悠木碧 齐藤次郎 高桥智秋 竹内良太 八代拓 鸟海浩辅 柴田秀胜 石田彰 

导演:南川達馬 / 编剧:真岛浩 Hiro Mashima/米村正二 Shoji Yonemura


《妖精的尾巴剧场版:龙泣》(2017)原名《劇場版FAIRY TAIL -DRAGON CRY-》字幕下载 / 又名《魔导少年 剧场版 龙之泪(台) / 妖精的尾巴剧场版第二部 / Fairy Tail : DRAGON CRY》中文字幕下载

"Dragon Cry" - it's a magic artifact, that power can destroy the world. For a long time she was kept in the Kingdom of Fiore, but in the end was stolen by the Kingdom of Stella. The main characters (Natsu, Lucy, Gray, Erza, Wendy, Happy and Carla) penetrate into the Kingdom on a mission undercover. In the end they will have to deal with the King Animus and his entourage (Zach and Sonya). The purpose of the Animus to enslave the world? And Sonya was secretly trying to save the country? Expect exciting adventures on the sea of intrigue and save the world.


日期 资源名称
2021-05-21 妖精的尾巴 龙泣
2019-05-12 妖精的尾巴 龙泣
